For all courses
• Certificate: All participants are required to produce a medical certificate stating that they have no contraindications to paragliding.
• Attire: Sunglasses, shoes suitable for running on varied terrain and clothing suitable for the mountains (be prepared for the cold, even in summer).
• Insurance: You will need to take out aviation civil liability insurance on site (€54/year for the first-time license holder + legal protection option of €1.5/year), as well as
personal accident insurance (Pack essentiel volant €56/year) if you don’t have any.
• Equipment: If you have all your own personal flying equipment, you will receive a discount of €15 per day on the courses.
• Matériel : Si vous avez votre matériel de vol personnel complet, cela permet une réduction de 15€ par jour sur les stages.
Full equipment includes:
A revised glider, approved to EN 926-1 and EN926-2/LFT A-B-C in accordance with the pilot’s level.
An EN 1651 approved harness, with protectors.
An EN 966 approved helmet.
A rescue parachute approved to EN 12491.
A radio.